Registration resubmit

Upon submission of this form, you will be redirected to a separate payment gateway. Fees are calculated in accordance to the registration schedule to the right. Please disable browser pop-up blockers!

Please register separately for the Computational Modeling and Spectroscopy Workshops if interested. There is no registration fee for these workshops.

All fields are required.

This form is only for people who need to resubmit in order to pay under the early fee schedule. Please do not share this URL with anybody.

Contact Information

First Name:

Last Name:

Email Address:

Mailing address:





Institutional Affiliation



Current Education/Training Level:

Consortium affiliation:

Note: Please select MPSDC affiliation only if you are a Consortium team member, or a student, postdoc, or personnel of a team member's laboratory. Please select "Invited Speaker" if you are a non-MPSDC affiliate who has been invited to give a talk at the meeting.

If you are at the University of Chicago and not affiliated with the Consortium, you are required to register as external.

If the registration form did not take you to a payment form, please click the following button in accordance to the fee schedule:

Registration fee for faculty and industry attendees:

Registration fee for students and post-docs: