Dr. Wonpil Im, University of Kansas
One of the ongoing projects in the laboratory of Wonpil Im (University of Kansas and MPSDC team member) has been to contribute to the development of CHARMM-GUI and CHARMM-GUI modules, such as the Ligand Binder and the Membrane Builder. These tools help users generate a series of CHARMM inputs towards a specific purpose, like calculating a protein/ligand binding free energy or building a protein/membrane complex for molecular dynamics simulations. The Consortium’s Computational Modeling Core has provided partial support for the completion of such modules.
Im and his team recently published a paper about the Membrane Builder module in Journal of Computational Chemistry, titled “CHARMM-GUI Membrane Builder toward realistic biological membrane simulations” (reference below). This publication was featured as the cover image for the issue, which can be viewed below. J Comput Chem attached the following note about the article’s relevance:
Wu EL, Cheng X, Jo S, Rui H, Song KC, Dávila-Contreras EM, Qi Y, Lee J, Monje-Galvan V, Venable RM, Klauda JB, Im W. CHARMM-GUI Membrane Builder toward realistic biological membrane simulations. J Comput Chem. 2014 Oct 15;35(27):1997-2004. PMID: 25130509. PMCID: PMC4165794 [Available on 2015/10/15].